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Annual Fire Safety Statements (AFSS)

Are a legislated requirement in NSW under the EP&A Act 2022 (Previously 2000).
An AFSS is required to be completed on an annual basis & submitted to the governing body, your local council.

An Annual Fire Safety Statement is a document that states that each of the fire safety measures installed at the premises have been maintained and that they also meet the minimum requirements to which they were originally installed.

Under the provisions of the Environmental Planning & Assessment Regulation 2000 - Division 5, Clauses 175 & 178 property owners are required to submit to Council and Fire Brigades; a copy should be displayed in your building as well.

Extinguisher Services Pty Ltd can provide you with an Annual Fire Safety Statement once your building has been inspected and adhered to all the Australian Standard & BCA requirements.

The council will typically send out a remind letter with a due date and a copy of the Fire Safety schedule which is a list of all fire safety measures & the standard of performance they are required to meet. 

Fully FPAS Accreditted 

Extinguisher Services has fully FPAS Accreditted Practitioners (Fire Safety) to review & endorse the full range of Fire Safety Measures.

We able to assist to meet the full requirements of any site, whether this be covering the full range of fire services or working with existing contractors e.g. HVAC & lift services to achieve full compliance & a satorisfactory AFSS.